I'm nineteen, female, straight, and single. I count two real relationships in my dating history, and I was in love both times. I knew it then, and I still believe it now. I was sixteen when I had my first kiss and it was just as awkward as anyone's. I believe in love at first sight, soulmates and true loves but I have always struggled with the idea of marriage. I do want one monogamous relationship one day, but I'm on the fence about actually tying the knot. For the white dress and fabulous party though, I'd get married any day.
I'm pretty girly but most of my friends are guys, and I love hanging out with them. I do have friends who are girls (really, I do), and I love them all to death. It'd be impossible to live without friends of both genders. They're both great for everything in totally different ways.
Right now I'm single, and I guess I'm looking. But I want love. I like being in love.
My longest relationship was, like, six months. Before that, I couldn't like a guy for more than a week. So I'm still waiting to prove to myself that I can be in a long term relationship. Then we can talk about whether I'm going to ever get married.
Enough talk about marriage - I'm only 19! I like a guy who's smart, funny and most of all, devoted. It's hard enough for me to really like a guy - it's virtually impossible for me to like a guy who only likes me sometimes.
I'm independent - I don't dote. I want to be your girlfriend and your friend.
I'm also not much for hooking up - like I said, I like being in love.
My celebrity crushes include: Michael Cera, John Krasinski, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zac Efron, and Andy Davis. James Franco is beautiful. George Clooney gets sexier every day. Still, I prefer nerds.