Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine's Day!

Okay I have to admit, I love Valentine's Day. I know there are a lot of people out there who think it's really dumb and really pointless and a waste of time and money and pinkness, but I love it. I can see how you would think it's dumb and all that, and yeah it is stupid to devote only one day to showing someone you care, but it's an awesome excuse to get roses and eat chocolate and bake cupcakes and wear pink and sparkley stuff and buy Hello Kitty Valentines!

For some reason, they force us to give Valentine's to everyone in your class in elementary school, which sucks for the parents who have to go out to buy useless pieces of paper, but it's awesome for us kids who get to eat and party and see if our crushes signed the valentine with "xoxo" (...I hope someone else did that, and not just me...). And then in middle school there's the rose sale. I don't think many people actually receive roses, though I did get one in 7th grade. In 9th grade, I dumped Duncan the day before Valentine's Day (I know, harsh), so I never got anything (I believe he ate the chocolate himself, haha, right Duncan?). Those are my two experiences with Valentine's Day so far.

Wow, I'm not making my point at all.

Okay so basically I'm really horrible when it comes to Valentine's Day. I have no idea whether or not the girl is supposed to get the guy anything, but I expect guys to get a teddy bear, a dozen roses, chocolate and a cute date. Except not really, because I probably wouldn't want that myself, but that's the cliché, right? I just expect the guy to do more than the girl does. Which I don't agree with on principle, but it's still what I expect. I mean, Valentine's Day is intended for the girl. Really, what is a guy going to do with teddy bears and roses?

But why is Valentine's Day the day to show your love? What about the other 364/5 days in the year? Of course you show your love every day of the year. It's sort of like Thanksgiving: that's not the only day to be grateful, but yet we pick one day for it each year. (Though I know there's all that pilgrim and indian stuff too, but we'll forget about that for the sake of this argument.) I'm sure there's a historic reason for Valentine's Day; it is called St. Valentine's Day, after all, right? I don't know: wiki it. We always have holidays to celebrate, because regular days are just too boring. Why not have fun with Valentine's Day and do something cute with who you love? Don't sit there and be all cynical about romance. It's your one day to be all mushygushy.

But what about all those single people out there? I guess you have good reason to hate Valentine's Day. But really, think about all those other single people. They need Valentines too; go pick up some hot guys! But this is a day about people you love, and you have friends whom you love, if not any significant others. So just bask in the happiness and feel the love <3

And guys, you don't have to spend a lot of money on girls. Just show her you care, it's not that hard. A lot of girls don't feel comfortable accepting huge gifts. Then again, some girls would hate it if you didn't get her something big. I think what works is figuring out how big your sig-other is going to go; unequal value of gifts is only going to make both people feel bad.

So go out and have an awesome Valentine's Day! Wear pink, eat cookies and hug people.

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