Sunday, April 6, 2008

another guest post!

Hey everyone,

I’m Cyril the newest addition to this strange and philosophical blog, if that’s what you want to call it. There are a million things I could write about but I think for this post I’ll talk about the thing that aggravates me most about the female gender.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to put women down in any way whatsoever, but I guess its just some things don’t make too much sense to me. First of all id like to talk about the fact that most girls our age wear a pound of makeup resulting in a look that’s extremely unnatural. I guess some guys think this is alright but in my mind it’s unnecessary to look unlike what you are when you first wakeup. The thing that frustrates me most of all is the whole black eye look, maybe its purpose is just to draw attention to the eye, but in my mind you just look like someone punched you in the face. Some individuals specifically in our school put so much makeup on that they look similar to a toy doll, something completely unnatural and fake. The way I see it you cant hid whatever is underneath it all which is your personality.

Second on the list of nuisances is the fact that girls seem to be the more stressed of the two genders. There’s always this mysterious term “Drama” that seems to be on the minds of every teenage girl. I don’t see how the concept of relaxing is so difficult to every human being. Simply closing your eyes and listening to whatever sort of music you enjoy is enough to get your mind in a relaxed state. Worrying about who’s going out with who or what happened on last nights One Tree Hill has nothing to do with your life. You achieve nothing by worrying, and your only making yourself more stressed out. The simplest thing you can do is just sit down and take a deep breath and just think about your life, where you have gone, not what other people are up to. Figure out your life first and then you can aid the others around you.

The biggest disappointment that I find in most high school girls is the fact that they seem more apt to due drugs. I don’t really have a problem with individuals drinking alcohol or getting high, but when girls complain that they were taken advantage of I get really annoyed. When its to a point when you drink week after week and get high almost every day, you forget the real purpose of your life. Most people throw away their lives when they take drugs that often, your throwing away your high school education (which I don’t think is very important) but most of all your throwing away your chance to get into a good school in college, and becoming something more than just an average person. There’s no reason that by the time you are 15 or 16 you don’t have the self responsibility to watch what the heck your doing. If you decide to make the decision of going to a drinking party expect that there will be many drunk people there and several people who you might have never met before.

Some of the stuff here may be a little controversial but whatever, that’s the point of a blog to see what other people think and then get a common view of what you are trying to talk about



Sara said...

I hear about this a lot, but I actually don't seem to notice very many, or really any at all, girls my age wearing tons of makeup. Am I missing something, or is Cyril just writing off of a widely held idea?

Duncan said...

I think that it isn't really that bad at Niskayuna. But it depends on who you look at. Some girls I know, from both Nisky and other schools, do wear a lot of make up and it does look stupid. I'm not sure about the raccoon look Cyril was talking about, but I understand that that is definitely too far. Of course I also know a lot of girls who wear tons of make up and it isn't to enhance their appearance in the normal "subtle" way. But to vibrantly show something. E.G. bright eyeliner and nails. Or whatever. That sort of stuff falls into a different category than what I think Cyril is talking about.

April said...

Duncan, nails totally don't count as crazy makeup.

And I think this is another example of things girls do that are supposed to attract guys but actually don't. Like wearing clothes. But every guy I know hates too much makeup.

And like clothes, makeup impresses other girls more than guys.

But the only reason I'd ever wear makeup on a regular basis is to impress a guy, which obviously isn't the thing to do to impress a guy, so why do it? Makeup is the most annoying thing to wear/put on ever.

Anonymous said...

i hate girls who are drama queens.
so much.

millions of pounds of makeup isn't great either

Chris P said...

I do know some girls who wear a lot of makeup and all I can think of is this "wow they would look so much better if they took off their damn makeup". You shouldn't have to use makeup to cover something up. For gods sake be proud of what you have.

I suppose I could ask this question to april: why do girls need to impress other girls more than guys?

As for the drama thing. Its not just girls who make a lot of drama. Guys do it too although (hopefully) more subtly. Teens, such as ourselves, usually crave for attention so this is one way for us to do it. However, like the makeup, no one likes it and it becomes annoying (In My Humble Opinion).