Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Independent girl = oxymoron?

Duncan came up with a genius idea for another topic: Why do girls travel in packs?

To be honest, I have no idea. What I want to know is, why don't guys travel in packs?

But anyway, maybe this plays into the gender stereotype. Girls need other girls to accompany them to the bathroom because they need to be dependent on someone else. Men, who are supposed to be non-needy and strong, don't need to depend on others. This is why dependent girls flock to independent and caring men.


I don't know... it's a theory. Based on stereotypes.

Well, I know that when I ask a friend to come buy a drink or go to the bathroom with me, it's because if I walked up alone, I feel like it attracts more negative attention/staring, making me feel self-conscious. But there's strength in numbers. You can share the staring, or be distracted by it, if there is any staring. And I enjoy the company. So this could suggest that girls have more of an issue with self-esteem. Or it could say stuff about guys. That they like to be independent so they alone can be the center of attention.

I don't even know what I'm talking about.

This weird ritual girls do bewilders me, despite my being a girl.

Duncan probably has a better insight. Or observation. And you guys too.

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