Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A continuation and completion, because it's necessary

Since my first post of the day was pretty much pointless, I'll respond to Duncan's and delve into the subject further.

Firstly, I know that guys aren't always independent. But that's the way the stereotype goes. Guys can often be far needier than girls. And on a less extreme level, that's one thing I love, guys being more vulnerable. I mean, girls need to feel like they're needed, rather than as someone who always depends on the guy. Guys and girls need each other, for sure, without a doubt. I mean, that's part of the reason people get into relationships -- to have someone there for you.

Personally, I need people with me about 50% of the time. In my experience, if you act like no one is watching you, then no one is. What do I care if people are looking at me? I look at other people all the time, probably making some of them feel self-conscious. So who am I to try to stop them from staring at me? But the 50% of the time when I do need people, it's because there is strength in numbers, as I said before. It's like a system of security and backup. So, as long as you're not crazy insistent on people with you EVERYWHERE, there's nothing wrong with bringing friends with you wherever you go when you want.

I also agree that it has to do with both pride and self-consciousness. Pride for those who walk alone, to have no need for company, and self-consciousness for those who need people....Or maybe pride for those who need people because they can show off their pack of followers, and self-consciousness for those who don't need people, because they are too shameful to ask for company?

What a conundrum.

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Anonymous said...

you know, I thought about it before and just thought that girls feel vulnerable alone, and need company to feel safe. I don't see the self conscious idea. I don't believe a girl should be self conscious that someone is staring. If i was a girl i kinda would take it as a compliment. Or maybe i think that cause i'm a guy?

As a guy i don't worry about walking alone, or going to the bathroom. I usually act with a purpose, and the path to accomplish it is irrelevant. Bathroom? go in, out, and continue what i was doing.

And when it comes to relationships, I don't think its all about having someone there for you. I look for my friends for that presence, and I give that type of attention to all of my friends. Call me cynical, but i see relationships as a way to be closer to one person, making sure they don't give that much attention to someone else at the same time. In my mind a "relationship" shouldn't be very different than a friendship. just with some hand holding and dates alone. What should a "relationship" be?

god, long comments. this is what i do when i'm bored lol

Sara said...

"So, as long as you're not crazy insistent on people with you EVERYWHERE, there's nothing wrong with bringing friends with you wherever you go when you want."

That sounds familiar...