Sunday, April 6, 2008

How are we mysterious? All we want to do is make out.

Really, though, those excerpts from the article that April mentioned in her previous post seem to pretty accurately reflect guys, at least in my opinion. Now, a lot of what is said in the article (the parts that aren’t the guys being quoted) are generalizations which are true a lot of the time. Yeah, sometimes I think about making out with girls; a lot actually. But that doesn’t mean that it actually is really my sole purpose in life.

April brings up a good point, it turns her off to guys when she thinks about them only wanting to make out and have sex and stuff. Now, granted, I think that is a little bit of a hyperbole, and also doesn’t apply to everyone I’m sure, but I think that it can explain one of the reasons that guys act differently than we think, or at least how Seventeen thinks we think.

So, April does have a point, we definitely don’t totally think like that all the time. But the idea that guys are like the ones in movies and on TV, who are the “perfect” guy and stuff is definitely not true. Sure, we want an emotional connection to, we aren’t that stupid as to just want to have sex and make out all the time. Really, we aren’t that shallow. But, think that the way that a lot of guys express their love, like, attraction, whatever is different than girls and that gives an impression that we just want to make out.

So, I’ll respond to some specific things April complained about:

BRAIN SCAN: Find out what he’s really thinking when you’re...cuddling
“I’m basically thinking about how warm and soft she is. After a while, I get bored just cuddling, and I start to feel antsy. That’s when I’m thinking about how I want to touch her breast.” - Aaron, 19

Again, kind of annoying. Like, can guys just not think about things like that?”

Ok, so while yes, I can see where Aaron is coming from with this, and I can see where April is coming from. I don’t think it is a really entirely accurate reflection of guys as a whole. Sure, sometimes you’re restless and don’t want to just be comfortable. But, a lot of the time, at least for me, just being comfortable on a girl is really nice. And generally, I don’t think about anything unless I’m trying to get something going. If I’m just there to watch a movie and I’m lying on my girlfriend or whoever, it doesn’t mean that I’m going to always turn my thinking to the girls breasts.

But I’m just speaking for myself.

“But that’s not to say guys aren’t doing things right. There are plenty of things guys do that are adorable. Like...

[at the movies] “If it’s the first date, all I’m thinking about isi what to do when. Do you hold her hand or put your arm around her? How do you transition your arm from your side to around her shoulder? What does she want you do to do? Honestly, the movie is the last thing on my mind.” -Isaac, 20
[at the end of the night] “I’m probably kicking myself for spilling something at dinner or being clumsy. At the same time, I just hope she likes me. If she stalls when we get back to her place, I’ll go in for a kiss. It’s nerve-racking, but I try to play it cool.” -Garrett, 18"

I agree with April, these two guys are pretty cute. And I definitely agree with them. Both of those things are definitely things that I think about. Especially the movies, what do you do? Because holding hands, or arm around the shoulders can be either right or really awkward and you want to find the right thing to do, but that’s a difficult thing to do. And to the second part, yeah, definitely guys do stupid things a lot. And we’ll worry about little things we did that might throw stuff off in our minds. Because, especially when a guy is taking a girl out somewhere, even if they are actually dating and like each other, anything stupid the guy does is going to be noticed by the girl and we don’t want to be seen as less than perfect.

Ok. So I think I’m about done posting to tonight. Check out both April’s post and the new guest post as well.


Anonymous said...

Well to a certain extent i would say that hey theres nothing wrong with wanting to make out, as i said earlier most girls think the exact same way. But at the same time that shouldn't be the main focus and that's something that i think a lot of guys want. The more social you are and closer to your girlfriend on a personal level, the more likely a kiss or something of that sort will come.

Chris P said...

Men are just whores - clearly. We do want sex etc etc but we do know that for all of our hormones, we shouldn't focus on it all the time as sswkiisesr said.