So, I was just listening to the ZZ Top song, Sharp Dressed Man and decided that this would be a good topic for the blog.
Not just a sharp dressed man though, but how women dress and does it change attractiveness?
Why is it that some people dress up and always look nice? Does it actually increase their attractiveness when guys do this? Sure, it shows that they can go out of their way to look nice all the time, but is this really necessary? Just to pose some questions because April isn't around to answer them herself.
But, how do how women dress affect men and how they view attractiveness. Now, I can only speak for myself, but I find that, while clothes can sometimes really enhance a girl's appearance and make her look better than she might just wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt, I don't think that it makes such a huge difference as some girls, and guys too I guess, make it out to be. I think that a girl can be just as attractive in a pair of sweatpants as in a pair of jeans or a skirt. The only thing that is going to change in my eyes is what they are wearing and what it looks like specifically. Now, I'm specifically talking clothes here and leaving out hair and makeup because that's a whole Pandora's Box of information. But in terms of just clothing I think that it makes very little real difference.
This though is in an every day situation, like at school. While I don't see clothes themselves as playing a huge role in appearance where it counts in terms of attractiveness I do see it counting in terms of appearance in general.
Ok, so I think I lost my train of thought, but to close this post off, here's the music video of Sharp Dressed Man:
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